Friday 12 June 2009


Oh my! Sorry for the long silence and absence. One word... Work! I don't ever remember working so much! 10 hour day is short and 12 hour day is a norm... Can you imagine me?!

Why am I doing this? Am I doing this right? Surely I must enjoy this? Can I really do this job or is this job too big for me? I do have to say that I have my ups and downs at work. I suppose I shouldn't complaint so much and just GET on!

I've also finally decided that I do like my job and love what I do but dislike a few people that I have to work with. All those jokes and sins of teasing Indians... it's really pay back time. And this doesn't help when your dotted line boss is a Indian old man and my US boss is American and behave like an Indian. I wonder which is worst.

An advice for anyone who reads this blog... NEVER WORK FOR KK!


don't ask so much... said...

just bite the bullet n look forward to pay day. we all work for $$$$$$$$. hugs X-D

The Feedbackstar said...

But still some $$$ is just not worth KK shite! :))) HOR?!

モーモ said...

Be thankful you have a job..
Yoroshiku peace...

Fabien said...

makan curry lor