Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Mama Mia

"So are you planning to move back to Singapore soon?"
"What about moving to Sydney again?"
"New York is even further! Don't move there!"
"What about China?"
"So you have a girlfriend in London? Everyone is asking me."
"So you're coming back in December?"
"Well... I'll wait for you to come back to decide if I should get baptise. I'm just torn on what to do. Your dad had a Buddhism ceremony when passed away and his ashes sits in a temple now, your brothers and sister are either Taoist or Buddhist, and I've been attending church. What's gonna happen when I'm dead? Who's gonna come collect me and deal with the funeral?! Who's gonna care and settle with everything else when I'm gone?!"

"Mum, by then why do you care?! You'll be dead! And as if we are going to let you die and not do anything!"

Can't believe I'm having such conversation with my 72 year old Mum this week.


gfkc said...

she misses u my dear.

don't ask so much... said...

that's a very mother daughter kind of conversation. me likey...

REN said...

Joy Luck Club came to mind! OMG!