Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Savage Grace

You want drama? This is true drama! A truly dysfunctional family.

Brought D to this movie and him not knowing what to expect, his jaw dropped and could not believed what he was watching. Poor guy... should have warned him first. Maybe we should stick with the blockbusters in the future.

Go watch! Julianne Moore at her best and fabulous gorgeous self as always.


don't ask so much... said...

so drama...i love it!

The Feedbackstar said...

Drama indeed! Only Ren can dig up a movie like this....so who's a momma's boy now?

REN said...

A little movie trivia... the director managed to convince Karl Lagerfeld to design a Chanel dress for Julienne Moore's character... simply stating in real life that Barbara will be a true Chanel wearer.

Karl eventually did The pink Chanel dress Julienne wore in the movie with a vintage Chanel label to go with the dress. And he even gave Julienne the dress to keep after the shoot.