Saturday, 17 May 2008

Quintessentially English

When it comes to expression and matter of the hearts... you can't get more quintessentially English than D. With an almost 'must have' stiff upper lip, expression of feelings is rarely heard of. In fact any declaration of moods and thoughts related to Love, they are to an extend frown upon. He blamed his upbringing he said once.

Don't get me wrong, D is a wonderful person. Come from a very close knitted family. A great son to his parents, brother to his sister and uncle to his nephew. Will do anything for his friendly and welcoming friends. Very career minded, knowledgeable and focus at what he does for his work. A strong, positive, motivated and driven person when it comes to living his Life. He loves Christmas just like me! He can't be that bad.

From all these time of knowing him and learned of him, I have picked up the various things that he'll do... his unique, strange and cutest ways of expressing himself... and I've to say, found them all rather endearing and very special.

The way he'll looked at me and smile from a distance, the way he'll always cuddle up in bed, the way he'll let me snuggle up next to his chest and stomach on the sofa, he always stay in touch when we are away from each other, he'll go buy a jar of jam for my peanut butter and jam sandwich without me telling him, he'll surprise me with a spontaneous evening, he tried making fruit jelly for me even he's not the best of cook, he cleared a tiny section of his wardrobe for my stuff, when I caught him looking at me while I'm asleep and / or when I wasn't aware, all the times when he let me tease and 'bully' him, all the times he let me win in our banters, and when he'll look at me, smiled and said 'Fool'... To top everything off... I got a TEXT from D yesterday that reads 'You want to move in Baby? x'.

How not to fall for a person like D? How not to embrace him dearly? Not very English I know, but I'm not.

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