Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Pause And Think

I am not usually like this but I am angry!

Our existence in this World bare responsibilities both personally and socially, though we answer to no one but ourselves. We went to school to get an education, to learn of this World that we are in and try our very best to be at least a common decent human being throughout our surviving years. To differentiate ourselves from animals. To be true and good to ourselves and to others... family, friends and even the people on the streets. In our own special ways, make the World a better place for you and me.

We do not go out hurting people sub-consciously and consciously... Harming innocent people and walk away telling ourselves it's OK because they didn't question or challenge all our actions.

Regardless of how one is being brought up and affected by circumstances, no one has the right to know the truth and not do anything to stop it. Its a fine line between doing it sub-consciously without knowing and doing it consciously knowing. That to me equates murder.

You do not have to tell the truth because truth hurts, but by obstructing truth consciously and allowing mishaps to happen again, that is punishable crime by itself.

I will do anything and everything for my love ones but I will not stand by and watch someone consciously and outright ignorant of causing hurt to themselves and others. If I do, I am no different from the person who committed THE act. I am no angel and not at all perfect, but by making my stand now I hope the message will come through loud and clear and make this horrific cycle to stop!

1 comment:

Fabien said...

Ranting Ren! Hear me roar......