Friday, 30 May 2008

Chapman Brothers - Hell

Came across this brand new installation by the Chapman brothers. The original work of art, which featured 5,000 miniature model Nazi soldiers performing atrocities, was destroyed in a blaze that swept through an art depot in 2004.

But yesterday Jake and Dinos Chapman unveiled a new version based on the same concept, entitled F****** Hell. This time Hell is even bigger and nastier. Tens of thousands of the tiny plastic figures are depicted carrying out genocide and torture. It is part of a new collection called 'If Hitler Had Been a Hippy How Happy Would We Be’, displayed at the White Cube Gallery in Hoxton, North London.

Very impressive I have to say but I am also thinking Haw Par Villa! Hey brothers, been to Singapore lately? :-)

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Positive Thinking

A lot has been said and thought about over the last few days. Speaking about it definitely helps.

I've learned and came to terms that the World is round and there's definitely two sides of a coin. It takes two to tango and both hands to clap. When out at play in this crazy jungle, all should always be responsible and 'positive thinking'. ALL have to understand and accept the rules of Cause and Effect. ALL have to be responsible for every actions they do and not just rely on one.

But most importantly, it will take more than just two people to stop this jungle getting out of control and sprucing out more unneeded weeds, but it's definitely a good start.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

To My Dear Friend

I don't usually rant but when I do... I do get carried away. I did and I might have even blown the whole thing out of proportion. I was angry, no doubt! There were harsh words but I still stand by every word I said.

Every word came from the heart because it hurts to see someone very very dear to you having self destructing behaviour and then have a complete 'matter of fact' mentality and 'care less' attitude. Not just regarding themselves but people around them too.

I hope we've not wasted all these years of friendship. I hope I've not wasted all these time knowing someone who is not the person I really know. I hope you understand the severity of the consequences. Please hear me this time.

Love you always.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Pause And Think

I am not usually like this but I am angry!

Our existence in this World bare responsibilities both personally and socially, though we answer to no one but ourselves. We went to school to get an education, to learn of this World that we are in and try our very best to be at least a common decent human being throughout our surviving years. To differentiate ourselves from animals. To be true and good to ourselves and to others... family, friends and even the people on the streets. In our own special ways, make the World a better place for you and me.

We do not go out hurting people sub-consciously and consciously... Harming innocent people and walk away telling ourselves it's OK because they didn't question or challenge all our actions.

Regardless of how one is being brought up and affected by circumstances, no one has the right to know the truth and not do anything to stop it. Its a fine line between doing it sub-consciously without knowing and doing it consciously knowing. That to me equates murder.

You do not have to tell the truth because truth hurts, but by obstructing truth consciously and allowing mishaps to happen again, that is punishable crime by itself.

I will do anything and everything for my love ones but I will not stand by and watch someone consciously and outright ignorant of causing hurt to themselves and others. If I do, I am no different from the person who committed THE act. I am no angel and not at all perfect, but by making my stand now I hope the message will come through loud and clear and make this horrific cycle to stop!

Sunday, 18 May 2008

That Face

Went to see this fantastic play last night. A multi award winning play by a writer who was only 19 when it was written.

A story about a middle class family here in UK. An alcoholic divorced mother, a father who left the family for a younger wife in Asia, got into trouble in a boarding school teenage daughter, and a young son who quit school to take care of his mother. A story about when children become parents of their own.

Great acting from all but there were scenes that were truly in your face and hard to bear. The sorry, manipulative and unsettled state of the drunkard mother, a jealous mother of his son who was merely trying to grow up and be a young man, the closeness both the mother and son shared, the final break down of an anguish and furious son who after all the years of caring for his mum, trying to 'safe' his mother, and not saving but drowning, and the final scene where the mother have to leave for care in order to let his son grow and be himself. A lot of questions came through after the play, about each individual members of this family. How did all these evolved and happened?

It was a powerful, draining, exhausting performance to watch but nevertheless a brilliant piece of writing and theater work.

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Quintessentially English

When it comes to expression and matter of the hearts... you can't get more quintessentially English than D. With an almost 'must have' stiff upper lip, expression of feelings is rarely heard of. In fact any declaration of moods and thoughts related to Love, they are to an extend frown upon. He blamed his upbringing he said once.

Don't get me wrong, D is a wonderful person. Come from a very close knitted family. A great son to his parents, brother to his sister and uncle to his nephew. Will do anything for his friendly and welcoming friends. Very career minded, knowledgeable and focus at what he does for his work. A strong, positive, motivated and driven person when it comes to living his Life. He loves Christmas just like me! He can't be that bad.

From all these time of knowing him and learned of him, I have picked up the various things that he'll do... his unique, strange and cutest ways of expressing himself... and I've to say, found them all rather endearing and very special.

The way he'll looked at me and smile from a distance, the way he'll always cuddle up in bed, the way he'll let me snuggle up next to his chest and stomach on the sofa, he always stay in touch when we are away from each other, he'll go buy a jar of jam for my peanut butter and jam sandwich without me telling him, he'll surprise me with a spontaneous evening, he tried making fruit jelly for me even he's not the best of cook, he cleared a tiny section of his wardrobe for my stuff, when I caught him looking at me while I'm asleep and / or when I wasn't aware, all the times when he let me tease and 'bully' him, all the times he let me win in our banters, and when he'll look at me, smiled and said 'Fool'... To top everything off... I got a TEXT from D yesterday that reads 'You want to move in Baby? x'.

How not to fall for a person like D? How not to embrace him dearly? Not very English I know, but I'm not.

Saturday, 10 May 2008


A heartfelt message came through from a very close friend about his recent lost of his beloved Mother.

It will always be sad to loss someone you dearly loved. Someone who helped shape you for who you are today. Regardless of how well or bad they did, they gave us Life, and for that is the biggest gift of all.

We all have very different relationships with our Mothers. Some good and some not so good. Some close and some not so close. Some are expressive and some not at all. But deep down we all know our love for them. Regardless of all things, the bond will always be something undeniable.

Go on! Be it a simple gesture, a phone call, a mere 'Have you eaten?', or even a Prayer... Cherish them while you can.

To Be Or Not To Be

It will always be a tough one... To be sensible or not t be? To grow up or not to? To live Life or not to?

There are things, ideas and dreams that I like to do, but to achieve all that I need to save... the good old line about 'Saving For Your Future'... or more like a curse growing up with Chinese values. Don't get me wrong as it's not a bad thing at all but what happen to 'living your Life to the fullest'?! 'Live for the day'?! and 'Be happy'?!

All these years, I've been blessed and so lucky to live the Life that I've always wanted. And at this very moment in time, I can't be more happier. Work, friends, family, lifestyle and now D. But there has always been the constant struggle and guilt of not preparing for my future. All the spending and no saving.

Well what you lose out on money saved... you gain on experiences and memories. I think that's definitely quality of Life. Its money and its our future I know, but I will not wait till when I am old to get on that plane and travel the world. I will not lead a boring, uneventful and unhappy Life just to save a few pennies and to show the world that I've made it. I rather be rich in my soul than rich on the outside. Within my means of course, that's most important.

You can't bring anything with you when you are dead... but you can now live with fond memories and pulse racing Life while you still can.

I think I've made my choice.

Miami Vice

The city, the hotel, the beach, the sunshine, the party, the food and just hanging out with D.

What a great way to welcome summer '08!

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Mayor Of London

It's voting day today. I've never ever voted before, not even in Singapore and here I am voting for the Mayor of London.

It does concern me and I have every right to decide who should and who is capable of making London a better place to live.

A lot has been said of the candidates and they themselves. The good and the not so good. Some agreeable and some were just rubbish.

I've made my one decision and only hope for one thing... May the new elected Mayor deliver all that he promises. No more excuses. That's all I'm asking for.