Saturday, 1 March 2008

First One And Counting

Our first tiff. Finally! Hardly dramatic but was definitely significant and memento for both of us.

From start to finish... a lot has been said and discussed. It takes a lot for D to be this expressive and me was just being my high maintenance self. Yes I've said it! I am high maintenance! I admit it now after all these years!

It takes a lot for one to know each other. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes effort. It takes respect and feeling for each other. For us all, getting together is easy but it's the behaviour and thinking of a couple, how we 'live' together that we need to learn and get used to.

We are all individual and independent adults. Both lead very different life style before. Both expresses differently and both have very different experiences and expectations when it comes to relationships, and hence all relationships are different. There are no fixed rules, patterns or time line for one relationship to be based on. It's a combination of you both that creates your uniquely formed partnership.

All that has been said did not just make me know and understand D so much more, respecting him more and bringing our relationship to the next level, but it has also helped me in vanishing that 'ghost' of mine. The one that has haunted me over the past few years.

From all previous failed relationships, it has always been just one disappointment after another. Mainly due to my very own high expectations, living in my own bubble and sugar coating every possible ways. The inability to trust based on not being able to trust myself and at the same time not able to get the level of assurance and comfort from those persons.

D have single handedly changed all that and I can see and feel the change in me too. Maybe it's because of age. Being more grown up now makes you think, behave and respect yourself differently. We are all still learning and growing up but I'm just glad that I've met D at this stage of my adult life.

It's truely a journey and it will never be easy but I'm very confident that it will be an enjoyable one.


Fabien said...

hahaha u say 'Finally' as if it's something you were aiming for, and finally got it :P

(which i think u kinda were... looking for drama lor!)

is daniel back yet? or was this row on the telephone?

On another note, when u go on Youtube, copy and paste the web code in the EMBED section, then paste this code into your blog as you are typing your post.

it's that easy to add a video link..!

REN said...

'Finally' because it was way too perfect before... we are stronger after this mini episode:-)

No not yet... back on Sat... it started the day before he left:-)

Thanks for the guide regarding youtube! Was clicking on the 'add video' icon and wasn't able to get it work!