Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Not Happy With This...

Love is a funny little thing. It can elates one to ecstasy, make one dance on air endlessly but Love can also hit you right at the core of your heart where it most hurt and make one bleed slowly to death... its like you being sucked into a vacuum, a complete void where your heart and lungs collapses ,your face turning blue, gasping for air, your eyes showing fear, scream but no one can hear you!

We are all different. We all react differently to Life. We put ourselves through whirlwind of distractions hoping to wipe out all our sadness and pain, but in the end we end up with more. What we see of each other can sometimes be all 'masked' up. Be it between mother and son, brother and sister, husband and wife, partners, and best friends... Behind every laughter hide a cry. A cry of anger, a cry of regret, a cry for forgiveness, a cry of hope, a cry for acceptance, a cry for Love. But there will also be times when one's cry was loud enough to be heard, and such cry is the most haunting, most painful, and most helpless.

We spend our lives finding THE One. All other aspects of our lives seem all secondary. That's how we are... We spend our time, effort, heart and soul fulfilling that space... That chance to Love wholeheartedly and hopefully be Loved back. That's all it matters.

But Life is never easy and never straight forward. There will always be ups and downs, there will always be rights and errors, there will always be hopes and regrets, there will always be found and there will always be lost. We can only do our very best to right the wrongs, and hopefully enjoy and fulfill this tiny Life of ours along the way.

Certain Love we cherish, rejoice and celebrate, but certain Love we let go, mourn and bury it to RIP. Many times we define our experiences to be Tragic but Beautiful or Beautiful but Tragic... we make that choice... we live by that choice.

I'm sorry I can't be there to offer you a silent shoulder and hug... but whenever you are ready to bury this emptiness, you know that I will be right there next to you holding your hand, tightening my grip and giving you that assuring smile.

It will get better... I promise.


Fabien said...

i think mona needs a holiday, i think that holiday should be in berlin.... wooohooo :)

Fabien said...
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REN said...

Kena sai! Here also get spam!! Thanks for the tip ;-)

The Feedbackstar said...

hey hey, mona has been changed to the Feedback Star. the kids have infiltrated Mona-land. pls go to

The Feedbackstar said...

Sorry Mona here. It's actually

Fabien said...

mona that is so stupid of you... the kids only have to look at your old blog, click on a comment made by kenny, click onto kenny's blog, then see your message to your new blog... hahaha DUR!