Friday, 14 May 2010

Spot The Difference

You know how I'm like with Greyhound in Bangkok. If I can afford the whole shop... even the ladies wear, I will :-)

Anyway in my recent spree, did a round of shopping before our trip to Vietnam. Kind of satisfied my initial appetite. Then on our way back, I see myself in the store again. Tried on a couple of tops and trousers, and had my eyes set on this pale blue linen shirt. Just when I was paying, I saw another very similar shirt, which I thought was much cuter. Asked about it but the sales person went 'nok saze'. Well shame... wasn't meant to be. Walked away feeling a bit disappointed but at least I've got the first shirt anyway.

Went back to the hotel. Was packing for our returned flight back. Just when I was going through my shopping for this trip, I came across this...
The one on the right was bought on my returned leg. The shirt on the left was bought in the beginning of my trip and the one I prefer more, which I was told no size the second time round.

What can you learn from this? Well at least I was consistent ;-)


モーモ said...

hahaha i burst out laughing...
that is so you
i can just imagine the look on your face

don't ask so much... said...

The collars r so diff! Who dare say they look the same?!

REN said...

First was the surprised and pleasing look of already got the shirt, than it was disgust that I actually wanted to buy it again...

They are different but I don't think Dan gets it though ;-)