Friday, 9 October 2009

The Circle Of 'Life'

As of 6am this morning on the 9th Oct 2009, I am officially debt free! Both credit card bills paid full till the end of the month (have always been doing that anyway). And most importantly my loan for my floristry course plus a few other expenses that I've accumulated... all cleared! Clean record!

But as of 2pm this afternoon, I might be signing off my savings and taking on the biggest loan of my Life. Our very first mortgage! 25 years of 'jail term' is just about to start.

Going to enjoy the moment. The bliss of being debt free. For this 8 hours, enjoy the freedom and feel the lightness of owing no body nothing. Best time for some guiltless shopping!


don't ask so much... said...

it's a good investment! congrats! X-D

モーモ said...

you've always been in control of what is 25 years??

REN said...

25 years is the term Banks allow us to pay off our mortgage.

Fabien said...

but then you had no cash to buy me my lunch.. gana sai lor!