What one should do if you've been invited by your BF's parents (lovely people by the way) for a family get-together / BBQ over the weekend but due to work, you're not able to make it?
1) You send your apologies and let your BF go on his own?
2) You try to demand them to change the date to suit you?
3) You forbid your BF to go without you?
4) You send your apologies. But you also have your freshly home-made potato salad to be sent with your BF together with fresh cut flowers from your shop to his parents?
I chose option 4 of course! A long beautiful Thank You note from the parents was received the same evening. My presence was definitely felt and established, effort much appreciated by both BF's family and BF (it's always important to re-instate your indispensability once in a while).
Results! ;-)
i will choose option (5) cry.
wise choice..i think that's so cultured..(^-^)
Its not cultured... thats tactics!! ;-)
i will choose option 6
- let BF go alone, then go out shopping, cinema and for a massage at Nickel Spa
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