Friday, 22 August 2008

The End

This is it. Here I am sitting in the middle of my living room surrounded by packed boxes and suitcases. How can one have so much stuff?!

Almost 3 years in this flat. My very first pad on my own. I can still remember the day I just moved in.

But now we've come to an end of an era. A new one is about to begin. Started this blog here in this very room and now writing my last one here before I go. New chapters await. New adventures and new experiences to blog.

Oops van is here! (Hope the driver is cute!) Good bye flat. Thanks for all the wonderful memories x ;-)


don't ask so much... said...

congrats X-D

モーモ said...

Don't forget to throw away your sex toys..You wouldn't be needing them now..hee hee