Thursday, 3 January 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I know what we all say about New Year's resolutions but I am gonna give it a go this year. So here it is...

1) Sort out my finances - regulate my shopping and be debt free by June
2) Search for a much better prospect & pay job and be the best I can be in it
3) Get on the property ladder
4) Do something about floristry
5) Eat healthy
6) Exercise regularly - Swimming & Yoga
7) Discover new destinations of the World
8) Develop, grow and mature with D in our relationship
9) Balance work and life - Be true to myself, happy, content and know when to say NO
10)Be a better son, uncle, friend and person

Need to kick myself up the backside yet again, so here we go!


Fabien said...

oh my god so many....

mine is just to go to bed earlier everynight hahaha

hey when we catching up, just the 2 of us for steamboat! x

gfkc said...

why just u just pump in $$ to set a florist shop? and let others run it for you?

REN said...

Why dun I let you pump my ar#e and you can give me the money?!!:-)

Fab... yeah can do. When? Im free this week!

Fabien said...

Wednesday night this week is only evening I can do this week - is it good for you?