Friday, 30 November 2007

Circle Of Life

For once after this whole week here, it feels like the good old days again. It felt complete.

We have all evolved over time. After all these years, we've learned, we've experienced, we've fell and we've picked ourselves up again. We all made different decisions in Life and we all went away and did our thing. Regardless of our individual self, our thoughts and beliefs, when we are together... nothing changes and nothing will bring us apart.

We may bicker, we may say things that one may not like to hear, we may not see eye to eye to a few things but it's all out of concern and love for each other. For me at least, I will not tolerate anybody who comes into any of our lives and not provide happiness for you all. I will only wish the best and want the best for my gals.

No matter what you do and what your choice may be... our love for each other will always be there. Nothing changes and nothing will bring us apart.

It was through actions of love, words and laughter that brought us all together. Do not ever forget that and never underestimate the power of friendship. Do not ever take that for granted.

Saying goodbye tonight wasn't easy. It's not the first time we bid goodbyes but it also marks another long period of time before we can all get together again. One can only cherish and remember every single moment of this week... and till the next time... be the best you can be... be happy and take good care of yourself.

With Lots of Love xx

1 comment:

mucun said...

we must meet this sunday 8thDec. i miss u all...