Monday, 22 October 2007

Drama Queen

For the first time ever I threw my first tantrum in the office.

Was quite funny actually. I am usually very composed and calmed, but I think it's because I've been working in Hamburg over the whole weekend, back in the office today and having to go through loads of incompetent people with silly issues! Spending more time on them and not able to do what I've planned to do today. I just lost it! Tore the documents into pieces, shouted out loud and stormed away from my desk! Everyone kind of just freezed and kept quiet. He he!

There are still loads more to do and I'm again going away for the next two days in Channel Islands, Edinburgh this weekend, Washington next and Amsterdam straight after! There's only 24 hours in a day! I need more time!

But you know what? I'm enjoying it as well... just pray that I'll get enough rest and most importantly not neglect the people around me. Please bear with me.

1 comment:

Fabien said...

yah me rush to hospital and you enjoying hamburgers in hamburg... one kind! haha

Good to throw temper at work.. makes people realise you have passion lor
