Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Double Entry

No! Not that kind of double entry! I had two dates in one night... have never done it before until tonight!

I wasn't planning to. Was supposed to have three dates over three nights this week, just like last. Then when I was on my way to meet N, M got in touch wanting to meet up as well because M is busy now tomorrow.

So I did what any decent person will do... I met both of them! Not together of course!

Had a couple of drinks with N at South Bank. A good guy but don't think we will be more than just good friends... you just know sometimes.

Then said our goodbyes and went on to meet M in Soho. M on the other hand, more chatty than I expected and definitely has got that geeky chavy charm. Lol!

Oh how long more I've to do the dating scene?! Its definitely fun and great to know more people but its tiring too! So need to pace myself... maybe two dates during the week from now on :-)

The dating continues... but its time for bed now...


Fabien said...

wah lau... dates or interviews?
So 'Kum Cheong' for what?
Conducted like speed interviews! hahaha

REN said...

Only all for fun and laughter! ;-)