You all must be thinking what happened over the weekend when I have 'conveniently double booked' myself! Well here it went...
S turned out to be a really nice, sweet and charming guy! Very intelligent as well I must add... a Winston Fellowship Medal from the Queen herself last summer for his research work on a health epidemic among youngsters in UK... Can't beat that can we? Even though with his short period of 'absence and luke warm reception' before my visit to Edinburgh... he surprisingly ticked ALMOST all the boxes!
We met up for dinner and drinks on Friday night and went for a spin around Edinburgh after... went passed the castle, the city and even around the Arthur's Seat... conversation was flowing with loads of flirting thrown in... overall... an A+ first date!
We didn't say goodbye until after brunch on Saturday... stating that I've to meet 'Arthur' for lunch and coffee... 'Arthur' being a friend of someone from work, which is true but on actual fact I am meeting A from Glasgow!
A quick 45 mins changed and there I was ready for my next date!
A didn't disappoint too... funny, chatty and very opinionated! Very artistic as well. Working as a PR / Marketing Manager for a space similar to Barbican in London kind of made our conversation interesting, and filled with references to you lot! All my arty friends!
I supposed I was feeling uneasy about 'double dating', thought would be a good thing to do with a 'mini date' with A to take the edge off from meeting S... it did work to be fair but can't really say the same for A... Will remain friends with A without a doubt... Did eventually caught up with Arthur but only over phone... so technically all I did was mixing the order up.
I ended up spending the rest of my stay with S, spending time together in cafes, having dinner and even went for a movie together... 'The Science of Sleep' - Vivid imagination required!
Said our goodbyes on Monday morning and have promised to keep in touch... in fact we've already spoken on the phone a couple of times since I got back and S is coming down to London next weekend on a business trip, which we are likely to meet up and spend some time together.
Don't really know what to expect but am keeping an open mind. Still infant stage for sure and again we hardly know each other... still loads to explore and learn... but I'm looking forward to the journey. Awfully calm this time round... for those who knows me, you should know what I'm talking about. No anxieties, no expectations, and no pretences... Can only hope that we will have fun along the way.
So we shall wait and see... watch this space and wish me luck!
S turned out to be a really nice, sweet and charming guy! Very intelligent as well I must add... a Winston Fellowship Medal from the Queen herself last summer for his research work on a health epidemic among youngsters in UK... Can't beat that can we? Even though with his short period of 'absence and luke warm reception' before my visit to Edinburgh... he surprisingly ticked ALMOST all the boxes!
We met up for dinner and drinks on Friday night and went for a spin around Edinburgh after... went passed the castle, the city and even around the Arthur's Seat... conversation was flowing with loads of flirting thrown in... overall... an A+ first date!
We didn't say goodbye until after brunch on Saturday... stating that I've to meet 'Arthur' for lunch and coffee... 'Arthur' being a friend of someone from work, which is true but on actual fact I am meeting A from Glasgow!
A quick 45 mins changed and there I was ready for my next date!
A didn't disappoint too... funny, chatty and very opinionated! Very artistic as well. Working as a PR / Marketing Manager for a space similar to Barbican in London kind of made our conversation interesting, and filled with references to you lot! All my arty friends!
I supposed I was feeling uneasy about 'double dating', thought would be a good thing to do with a 'mini date' with A to take the edge off from meeting S... it did work to be fair but can't really say the same for A... Will remain friends with A without a doubt... Did eventually caught up with Arthur but only over phone... so technically all I did was mixing the order up.
I ended up spending the rest of my stay with S, spending time together in cafes, having dinner and even went for a movie together... 'The Science of Sleep' - Vivid imagination required!
Said our goodbyes on Monday morning and have promised to keep in touch... in fact we've already spoken on the phone a couple of times since I got back and S is coming down to London next weekend on a business trip, which we are likely to meet up and spend some time together.
Don't really know what to expect but am keeping an open mind. Still infant stage for sure and again we hardly know each other... still loads to explore and learn... but I'm looking forward to the journey. Awfully calm this time round... for those who knows me, you should know what I'm talking about. No anxieties, no expectations, and no pretences... Can only hope that we will have fun along the way.
So we shall wait and see... watch this space and wish me luck!
Forget all that, did he have a sexy scottish accent? *faint* :D
How can I forget that?! THE accent!! Is to die for!! :-)
Professor Ho of English PhD just wants to kindly point out it should be Scotsmen not Scotsmans
Oops! :-p
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