Friday, 20 August 2010

Sleeping Beauty

'Hi I'm Dr Amin and I'll be your anaesthetist today.'

'Hi.' While two other assistants were tubing me up my hand and checking my heart pressure.

'You will feel a bit sleepy first and we will be monitoring you throughout the operation.'

'Ok... thank you.' Yeah right, I'm not feeling anything yet. I might need more to hit me out.

'Now we will put this oxygen mask over you and you will feel slightly slee...'


When I woke up an hour later, didn't even feel a thing. Best sleep ever! I wished I can sleep like this every night!

Excuse Me Are You A Model?

Since this Monday I was on a strict diet regime. Not by choice but because I'm under going a couple of minor surgery on Thursday (No! It's not cosmetic!). Only white fish (steamed or boiled), white bread with a bit of butter, eggs (poached or boiled), potatoes (no skin). That was it! And one day before the surgery, only liquid!

By the evening before, I was feeling so lethargic and restless. And by the morning before admission, I was feeling even more tired but my tummy was flat like I've never seen before.

If I do continue with this diet, I might be on the road to being size 0! Now I understand why so many models are into drugs... so to keep them going.

But you know what? I love my food too much. I've already craving for my Chinese takeaway on Thursday night!

Friday, 13 August 2010


To my gals,

Thinking of you... xxx