Sunday, 7 March 2010


This is definitely one of the most disturbing, heart wrenching & powerful movies I've ever seen... and it has been a while since I last saw one as good as this. I'm placing my bet on Monique winning an Oscar for playing the most real and evil character I've ever seen on screen. Mariah was actually really good! With no make up and even allowed her whole face to be filmed, and I supposed with only 3 scenes in total, she shouldn't really fu*k it up :-)

Go watch! It makes all our problems seem so small and insignificant. Every cloud has a silver lining and there are a lot more unfortunate people than 'we are' out there!

Friday, 5 March 2010

A Single Man

The movie was so stylish that will make you want to rush out and get a brand new wardrobe! Colin was amazing! Deserve an Oscar! Julianne was fabulous as usual... she seems to belong to that era. She was so 'Ad Fab' in her fake English accent! Who wears a white mohair jumper to school?! The whole movie was so Wong Kai Wai. So beautiful but tragic!

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

What's Up?!

No excuse at all for not blogging for this long! Miss me?! :-)

What have I been up to for the last 3 months? This will sound extremely boring but it was mainly work and trying to juggle the renovation of our new place at the same time.

Dealing with builders, being the bitch for any deviations from our desired design and finishing (D decided to play the good cop so someone have to play the bitch!), coping with living on site and at the same time work is still going on, work trips away and letting the builders on their own accord, it was very stressful at times (I've never swear so much... reminds me of a scene in 'Precious' when Monique was abusing Precious... poor D having to hear all my ranting).

But the end is near! Final stage now with the renovation and we can finally have the place ready hopefully in 2 weeks time (stay tune for the before and after pictures!).

So that's the exciting part. As with the boring part... work. Still don't like it! Call me racist but just can't fathom the work ethics of Indians. I'm sorry but you need a heart of stone and a brain of mud to survive. The randomness and bureaucracy is beyond any body's imaginations. A simple way of putting it... the company completely reflects the state of it's country... Huge, ignorant and chaotic!

Just a taster for now. Promise that it won't be another 3 months before my next entry. I'm still alive, thinking of you and missing you all loads always! xx